Read the results and look at the pictures from the prize-giving evening on 12th July - click on the box opposite... and would you like to join the team in 2025 - see our page for details.

Read the results and look at the pictures from the prize-giving evening on 12th July - click on the box opposite... and would you like to join the team in 2025 - see our page for details.
We are dedicated to encouraging local participation in sport by promoting events and the provision of first class facilities, highlighting sports issues and supporting sports organisations and individuals. MORE
The GO-Godalming Association launched the annual Music in the Park in 2006 to provide local people and visitors alike with a range of outdoor concerts - and to provide these free for music lovers to enjoy. MORE
Godalming in Bloom is a fun and friendly gardening competition - we enjoy/visit/judge our local allotments/gardens/schools and 'commercial' and community gardens - see what happened in 2024 - for all details MORE
The Godalming Film Society, a largely undiscovered gem at the heart of our community, is a not-for-profit voluntary organisation established in 2007 to encourage the enjoyment of film - MORE
Our popular youth canoe club operates from Godalming Wharf and is run by B.C.U. qualified instructors. The weekly club organisers regular trips and encourages young people to work towards a B.C.U. Award. MORE
The Go Godalming Association is delighted to have so many local community groups under its umbrella and represented at committee level – for their individual details and contacts. MORE